12 Ways to Plan for a Strong Year-End Giving Season Part 2

How is your year-end planning progressing?

In our last post, we gave you the first six plans to finish your year strong.

Let’s review: (Just to set the seasonal mood, hum along to the tune of the 12 Days of Christmas)

“On the first day of planning…


__ 1. Inspire your team


__ 2. Set your goals and create your campaign theme


__ 3. Make a timeline


__ 4. Prepare your mailing lists


__ 5. Prepare donation forms


__ 6. Write an email letter


How have you done so far? What else do you need to do before proceeding?


Now, finish humming the song with numbers 7—12.


__ 7. Prepare a social media campaign

__ 8. Remember to be donor-centered

__ 9. Prepare personal compelling content – photos or videos

__ 10. Get your board involved

__ 11. Offer multiple ways to make a gift

__ 12. Make a follow-up plan.


7. Prepare a social media campaign

Make sure all of your followers on all of your social media channels are aware of your year-end campaign and goals. Use colorful photos and videos to grab attention. Include a specific call to action with each post. Always include a link to your donation page or your text-to-give number.

8. Remember to be donor-centered

While we want to tell our stories and post photos about our organization and who we are helping, now is the time to zero in on your donors. Be donor-focused. Make them feel central to what is happening and why their help is needed now. Here are some ways to do that:

·       Use the word “You” or You-focused language as often as you can.

·       Provide examples of ways individuals have given in the past and what specific dollar amounts have accomplished. Such as --Generous supporters just like you provided over 10,000 warm meals to our community last year. https://doublethedonation.com/tips/end-of-year-appeal-strategies/

·       Remind your donors that the work that has been accomplished and will be accomplished in the future is due to their gifts. Make them the hero of your organization. Because they are.


9. Prepare personal compelling content – photos or videos

While your words need to pack a punch, it’s best to add a photo or video that compliments your text. Gather compelling quotes from people your organization has helped. Then, illustrate through a visual what has been accomplished in your nonprofit this past year. Your donors will likely remember a picture more easily than they will remember your words. Task your communications team to identify the top 12 visuals that best represent the work completed and lives changed during the past year. Use those visuals repeatedly throughout your campaign.


10. Get your board involved

Your board members are already committed to your cause and are ready to serve. They just need some direction and resources. Here are a few ways to get them involved. Ask them to:

·       Write handwritten Thank You notes to year-end donors. Or, provide them with prepared notes for them to sign.

·       Call donors from a list you provide for them. You can give them a script to use to make sure they cover all the necessary points. The main thing is to connect personally with donors, thank them and let them know the specific year-end goal.

·       Post on their personal social media accounts the year-end goals and ways people can give.

·       Host a dinner or dessert gathering in their home and share how your organization is making a difference and how their help is needed to advance in the coming year.


11. Offer multiple ways to make a gift – online, social media, mail-in, text, corporate giving

So many ways and so little time! People like options, so provide plenty of ways for people to make it easy to give.

·       Online – Of course, you want the donate button to be big and bright on your home page. You will have already set up a campaign donation page on your site.

·       Social Media – Check to make sure your social media sites are equipped with a donation button. At minimum, add the link on your posts to direct people to your giving page.

·       Mail-In – Some people still like to mail in their donations. Make sure your postal mail address is highlighted on emails, social media posts, and your website.

·       Text-to-Give – Do you have a text-giving tool? This is a quick and easy way for people on the go to give. Your tool sets you up with a phone number and campaign keyword for donors to use.

·       Corporate Sponsorship – Ask donors who work for corporations to check with their office about their giving programs. It’s a good idea to highlight this possibility throughout the year to take full advantage of employees and businesses supporting the work of your nonprofit together.


12. Make a follow-up plan

Thank your donors by:

·       Sending a receipt of their donation immediately.

·       Writing a personal thank you note.

·       Calling and thanking them or leaving a voice message.

Prepare for next year by storing their information in your database for convenient usage for your next giving campaign. But before you think about that, plan now to enjoy your holidays. Be thankful for all the good your nonprofit is doing and dream about what will happen in the coming year as a result of all your fruitful work. It’s the gift that keeps on giving.